Home » Reaping the Benefits of Anabolic Steroids while Avoiding Erectile Dysfunction

Reaping the Benefits of Anabolic Steroids while Avoiding Erectile Dysfunction

by WikiStero.com

For decades now bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts have benefitted from their use of anabolic steroids. Whether it is for improving athletic performance, cutting or bulking, anabolic steroids have proven to be useful in the bodybuilding and fitness community.

However, anabolic steroids have long been given bad press by mainstream media and as a consequence there are many stereotypes and myths that seem to never go away. While there are real health concerns associated with anabolic steroid use, many of these risks are often exaggerated and blown out of proportion.

Can anabolic steroid use lead to health issues? Absolutely, but this needs to be put into context as using steroids in a safe way with regulated cycles, dosage plans, and a structured post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocol in place if need be can go a long way in ensuring that potential side effects from using anabolic steroids are significantly minimized.

There are also other considerations that could aggravate the risks involved with steroid use, such as; genetics and pre-existing health problems. If you add these considerations to the misuse and abuse of anabolic steroids, then you could be faced with a higher risk of exposure to possible side effects.

One health issue that the mainstream media almost appears to exclusively link to anabolic steroid use is erectile dysfunction. There is a misconception in pop culture that the use of anabolic steroids leads to erectile dysfunction. Once again it is important to add a bit of context to this blanket statement.

This article aims to shed more light on the role of anabolic steroids in promoting the risk of erectile dysfunction while at the same time highlighting the strengths of three medications for erectile dysfunction, namely Dapoxetine, Tadalafil Citrate, and Vardenafil.

How Anabolic Steroids May Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

To understand how anabolic steroids may cause erectile dysfunction in men, you need to first know the general mechanism of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS).

Typically, whenever you use AAS you introduce a dose of exogenous testosterone into your body. When this happens, your body will naturally shutdown its production of endogenous testosterone by your adrenal gland to a small extent and your testes to a much larger extent.

As your anabolic steroid cycle comes to an end, you may experience erectile dysfunction particularly if your body’s testosterone levels are quite low at this point.

However, this condition is usually temporary and completely reversible in nature, as your body should start producing endogenous testosterone after your steroid use. But then there are situations where your body doesn’t respond as quickly as it should to kickstart your natural production of testosterone.

In this case, you would require post-cycle therapy (PCT) to stimulate your adrenal gland and testes into producing natural testosterone hormone to your body’s normal levels.

At this point it is important to note that you can avoid erectile dysfunction by keeping to a recommended AAS cycle, dosage and PCT plan customized to meet your specific bodybuilding goals.

It is also worth mentioning that if you have a pre-existing sexual health concern, you could increase your risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction with steroid use.

In a situation where you experience sexual health issues, you shouldn’t panic, as there are erectile dysfunction medications that can help improve your libido and allay your fears.

Improving Libido with Erectile Dysfunction Medications

You can greatly improve your sexual performance with these three erectile dysfunction medications:

1. Dapoxetine for Premature Ejaculation

If you ever had premature ejaculation (PE) issues, you probably would have heard about the medication known as Dapoxetine. While dapoxetine is widely prescribed by medical professionals for the treatment of PE, do you know that this medication is also recommended for erectile dysfunction?

Dapoxetine for premature ejaculation is one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI medication that slows down your ability to ejaculate during sex and in effect this medication helps to improve your performance in bed. Dapoxetine can also be stacked with other erectile dysfunction (ED) medications like Tadalafil and Vardenafil which are PDE5 inhibitors.

Dapoxetine causes mild side effects like cottonmouth and lightheadedness, but this ED medication is typically well-tolerated. However, you should always seek professional support before using this medication.

2. Tadalafil Citrate for ED

Tadalafil Citrate (Cialis) is one erectile dysfunction medication that is so popular amongst looking to solve and improve their libido issues. This ED medication will relax the muscle tissues around the blood vessels in your penis causing an increase in the flow of blood to your penis. Many users testify to the virility of Tadalafil claiming that the effects of a single dose often lasts for upwards of 36 hours.

So if you are looking to improve your sexual performance without needing to use a pill before a sexual encounter, then Tadalafil for ED is a great option to explore.

However, it must be pointed out that you should never exceed recommended doses and common side effects associated with this ED medication include headaches, indigestion, and muscle pain.

3. Vardenafil for Erectile Dysfunction

Vardenafil (Levitra) like Tadalafil is another popular PDE5 inhibitor and similar to Tadalafil, Vardenafil for erectile dysfunction works by boosting blood flow to your penis improving your libido and performance in the process. Vardenafil helps to relax the blood vessels in your penis which then enables you to experience a sustained erection.

Using Vardenafil could cause you to experience side effects like flushing and mild headaches. As with the other two erectile dysfunction medications, you should consult with a qualified physician before using this ED medication.


How to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Anabolic Steroid Use

If you believe that your erectile dysfunction health concerns are caused by your steroid use, you can deal with this problem in a number of ways.

#1. Stop Using anabolic Steroids

The easiest and fastest way to rectify your erectile dysfunction issues is to stop using steroids. If you end a cycle, your body’s hormones should be back to normal in no time.

#2. Use Anabolic Steroids Responsibly

You should always be responsible with your use of anabolic steroids. AAS can be potentially dangerous to your general and sexual health, so you should always consult your physician before you embark on an AAS cycle.

#3. Have a PCT Plan

Before you start using anabolic steroids you should also prepare for PCT in order to help stimulate the natural production of your endogenous testosterone by both your adrenal gland and testes.

#4. Use Erectile Dysfunction Medications

As mentioned already you can make use of erectile dysfunction medications, such as; Dapoxetine, Tadalafil and Vardenafil to deal with your ED concerns.

#5. Monitor your Hormones

Having a good idea of your hormone levels will help you to spot a problem early and take steps to deal with any hormonal issues you may have. Your physician will be in the best position to interpret the results of your tests and recommend the right therapy to improve your hormone levels like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or prescribe the ideal medications before or after the onset of your ED problems.


Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors including anabolic steroid use. However, ED caused by steroid use is often temporary and may be reversed naturally at the end of your cycle.

You may need PCT where you have been using high doses of AAS over a medium to long period of time, as your body may not be able to start producing endogenous testosterone without assistance.

You can deal with your ED problems in a number of ways, but using erectile dysfunction medication like Dapoxetine, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil can help to boost your libido and improve your sexual performance in a short period of time.

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