Home » A Comprehensive Guide on Injectable Steroids

A Comprehensive Guide on Injectable Steroids

by WikiStero.com

Injectable steroids are widely used to treat different medical conditions and also to improve a user’s overall strength and performance, and it is also used to improve body composition. They are widely popular among professional bodybuilders and athletes as performance-enhancing drugs. Injectable steroids have different active half-life; it comes with both short and long-acting effects.

The administration of an injectable steroid depends on its active half-life. Some of them require frequent administration, and some of them need once or twice per week. With this guide, you will learn about top injectable steroids for bodybuilders. So, let’s begin with its basic term.


I. What Are Injectable Steroids?

Different PEds in the form of injections are called injectable anabolic steroids. The original use of injectable anabolic steroids is to reduce pain and inflammation. Currently, they are more popular as a performance-enhancing drug. You can buy top quality anabolic steroids online.

It can help you to gain bigger muscle mass and overall physical strength. Some of them are also used for weight loss purposes. Most AAS are used for muscle mass growth (bulking), weight loss (cutting) and strength gain purposes. Moreover, injectable steroids are fast-acting, so they can give maximum effects when you intake them properly.





II. Why Are Injectable Steroids Helpful?

Injectable steroids are powerful because they can reduce inflammation in your joints and work better. Steroid injections are directly given to the muscles. They are less liver toxic compared to oral anabolic steroids. Moreover, they are well-tolerated and don’t cause any severe side effects until you use their high dose or frequent use.


III. Describe Different Injectable Steroid For Bodybuilders

Plenty of injectable steroids are available on the market. Here are the most popular injectable anabolic steroids for bodybuilders:

  • Deca durabolin or Nandrolone
  • Winstrol Depot
  • Testosterone
  • Sustanon
  • Trenbolone
  • Boldenone or Equipoise

All of the above injectable steroids are used for different purposes. Sustanon, Testosterone and Deca Durabolin are popular bulking steroid compounds that can help you to build bigger muscle mass in a short time. Winstrol and Boldenone are popular cutting agents that can reduce excess body fats. Trenbolone is a versatile AAS that can be used for bulking or cutting cycles. Let’s get some detailed information about them.


Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin is a 19-nor compound which is also known as Nandrolone. It has a low aromatase rate, so that it can cause little water retention. It is the most effective bulking steroid compound that promotes significant muscle mass growth and better strength. It is a popular anabolic steroid that is widely used during the offseason. Here is the essential information that you should know before using Deca Durabolin:

  • Active half-life : 15 days
  • Deca Durabolin Cycle duration: 12 to 16 weeks
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio – 125:37
  • Detection time – Up to 18 months
  • Recommended Dose for Men: 200 mg to 600 mg per week
  • The recommended dose for advanced female users: 50 mg to 100 mg per week


Winstrol Depot

Winstrol is a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid compound which is also known as Stanozolol. However, its injectable form is less hepatotoxic than its oral form. During the Winstrol cycle, users need to use liver protection (Samarin or SamaGen) to protect their liver.

Winstrol is an effective cutting agent, so it is not adequate for bulking cycles, but it gives impressive results in weight loss. It has low anabolic and androgenic effects, so women can also use this steroid to improve their body composition. Here is the essential information that you should know before using Winstrol Depot:

  • Active half-life: 24 hours
  • Winstrol Depot Cycle duration: 8 to 12 weeks
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio – 320:30
  • Detection time: 10 days
  • Recommended Dose for Men: 30 mg to 100 mg per week
  • The recommended dose for female users: 5 mg to 20 mg per week



Testosterone is the most popular anabolic androgenic steroid available in the market, and almost all the AAS are derived from Testosterone steroids. It comes with different long and short-acting ester variants, which give excellent results in terms of bodybuilding. Here are the most common and popular testosterone ester variants: Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Suspension, and Sustanon.

All of them are effective bulking agents that are used for muscle mass growth, reduce body fat and improve overall strength and physical appearance. The original use of Testosterone injections is to treat low testosterone levels in men. Testosterone steroid active half-life and detection time depends on which ester variants you are using. All of them come with different active half-life and detection times.

  • Testosterone Cycle duration: 8 to 12 weeks
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio – 100:100
  • Recommended Dose for Men: 100 mg to 600 mg per week
  • The recommended dose for female users: Not recommended to female athletes


Trenbolone is a potent and versatile anabolic androgenic steroid. It is five times more powerful than testosterone steroid, so it is not recommended to female users. It is either used for bulking or cutting purposes. Trenbolone also comes with three different attached ester variants: Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Acetate and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate or Hexa.

Trenbolone correct cycle promotes quick muscle mass growth, reduces body fats and improves overall performance and strength. Tren’s active half-life and detection time are different based on the esters. Here is the essential information that you should know before using Trenbolone:

  • Trenbolone Cycle duration: 10 to 12 weeks
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio – 500:500
  • Recommended Dose for Men: 100 mg to 1000 mg per week
  • The recommended dose for female users: Not recommended to female athletes


Boldenone Undecylenate

Boldenone Undecylenate is a popular anabolic androgenic steroid with similar characteristics to Dianabol. It is also known as Equipoise. It comes along with Undecylenate long-lasting esters and is available in injectable form. Boldenone has mild anabolic and androgenic properties, so both men and women can use it to improve their body composition and overall strength.

Boldenone does not help gain bigger muscle mass like other anabolic-androgenic steroids. Still, it is an effective cutting agent that can help you to reduce excess body fats and higher strength. It is also a low aromatase steroid, so when users take a higher dose of Boldenone, they might face gynecomastia. Here is the essential information that you should know before using Boldenone Undecylenate:

  • Active half-life: 15 days
  • Boldenone Undecylenate Cycle duration: 10 to 12 weeks
  • Anabolic to androgenic ratio – 100:50
  • Detection time – Up to 5 months
  • Recommended Dose for Men: 200 mg to 600 mg per week
  • The recommended dose for female users: 50 mg to 100 mg per week



Injectable steroids give potent results in terms of bodybuilding. It can help build bigger muscle mass, reduce body fats, and improve users’ overall strength and energy. Correct use of anabolic steroids gives impressive results with few side effects. It only causes various health issues if you use its high dose or perform long cycles.

If you want to get maximum results with few side effects from injectable steroids, then always stick to its proper intake ways with precaution and follow the recommended dose and cycle duration.

It is always advisable to stick to the correct protocol for taking AAS. If you are not aware of injectable steroid cycles, take free advice from our coaching experts.

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