If you take your health very seriously like most respected bodybuilders around the world, then you will find this article really interesting.
It is very common to find bodybuilders looking for reliable non-synthetic, organ protection supplements to take alongside their respective anabolic steroid cycles. One of such naturally occuring supplements is Desmodium.
Indeed, Desmodium benefits for bodybuilding are well-known in the bodybuilding community where the natural anti-inflammatory supplement has gained a reputation for protecting vital organs from the strain caused by lengthy steroid use.
This guide reveals why Desmodium is widely regarded as one of the best natural anti-inflammatory and liver protection supplements for bodybuilders. You will also get to know how to take Desmodium as well as other supplements that you can stack it with.
Desmodium a Herbal Liver Support for Athletes
Desmodium adscendens is a popular species of plant that belongs to the Fabaceae plant family. This particular genus of plants is predominantly found in tropical regions around the world including parts of the Americas, Asia, and Africa.
Desmodium has long been used by both conventional and unconventional medical practitioners for the treatment of a vast number of health-related conditions because of its potent anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties.
Desmodium is mainly credited for its effectiveness in aiding liver detoxification, but let’s break down how Desmodium promotes liver health.
Desmodium and Liver Protection for Bodybuilders using PEDs
Your liver is a vital organ responsible for many bodily functions that promote muscle recovery and growth including the processing of hormones, the breakdown of toxins, and the metabolism of proteins.
However, in order to function properly, your liver health needs to be top-notch and free from the hepatotoxicity that can be brought about from your use of anabolic steroids, especially orally administered ones like Anavar and Winstrol.
Desmodium will protect your liver from hepatotoxicity and promote optimal liver function as it has potent liver detoxification properties.
To understand how Desmodium protects the liver from hepatotoxicity, it is first worth noting how hepatotoxic oral anabolic steroids can affect your liver health.
For starters, hepatotoxic anabolic steroids can raise your liver enzyme levels which is indicative of either stress to your liver or possible damage. Secondly, some performance enhancing drugs can cause cholestasis, which is a condition whereby the flow of bile is restricted.
Thirdly, some anabolic steroids can cause liver inflammation and even fibrosis, which are recipes for disaster as these health conditions can cause long-term damage to the liver.
It is also known that anabolic steroid use can cause oxidative stress leading to a rise in free radicals that can severely attack and damage liver cells.
How Desmodium Promotes Liver Health
Desmodium adscendens is a species of Desmodium that offers users effective liver protection properties with its myriad of bioactive compounds that include saponins, flavonoids, and alkaloids.
Here’s how Desmodium helps to protect the liver health of bodybuilders using PEDs.
#1. Desmodium Helps to Reduce Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels
You can reduce both alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) liver enzyme levels when they are elevated due to increased liver stress from anabolic steroid use.
As a matter of fact, human studies suggest that liver enzyme levels can be normalized by Desmodium extracts even when liver strain is experienced from the use of steroids.
#2. Desmodium Helps to Detoxify the Liver
Desmodium can help to detoxify the liver by supporting the production of glutathione in the body.
Glutathione is an antioxidant that is crucial to the detoxification of the liver by helping in the flushing out of steroid byproducts, metabolic waste and harmful toxins thereby greatly reducing the risk of long-term liver damage.
#3. Desmodium Helps to Protect the Liver from both Inflammation and Fibrosis
As mentioned already, Desmodium has a number of bioactive compounds and one of these is flavonoids which offers anti-inflammatory properties and helps in both reducing inflammation and minimizing scar tissue formation in the liver.
Desmodium is also known to be effective in protecting bodybuilders using PEDs from liver fibrosis caused by steroid use. Liver fibrosis is a condition whereby there’s an excessive build up of connective tissues that are capable of restricting liver function.
#4. Desmodium Helps Prevent Cholestasis by Supporting Bile Flow
Using orally administered anabolic steroids can greatly restrict the production and flow of bile which can then lead to cholestasis, a condition that causes bile to accumulate in the liver.
By supporting the production and flow of bile, Desmodium will help to curb both bile suppression and liver congestion.
#5. Desmodium acts as an Antioxidant Agent and Protects Liver Cells
Desmodium helps to combat the rise in oxidative stress which is elevated during steroid use. By significantly reducing oxidative stress, Desmodium will neutralize free radicals and stop them from damaging liver cells.
Apart from protecting the liver from steroid-induced damage, Desmodium will also support the regeneration of liver cells.
Using Desmodium to Support Liver Health
The best time to use Desmodium is during your steroid cycle to help minimize possible liver stress and during post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help the liver to recover properly from extensive steroid use.
Desmodium is generally safe for use alongside other liver protection supplements like TUDCA, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) or Milk Thistle.
Desmodium is available as a tincture, capsule or powder and tea. If you are using a tincture, you should take between 1 to 2 teaspoons daily.
However, if you are taking Desmodium as a tea, you can consume anywhere from 2 to 3 cups per day while for the capsule or powder, you should take between 500 mg to 1,500 mg per day.
Desmodium is a safe natural supplement, but you should consult your physician if you have a pre-existing liver health condition before you use the supplement.
In summary, Desmodium benefits for bodybuilding cannot be overestimated as it supports your liver function, detoxifies your liver, reduces oxidative stress and free radicals that damage liver cells, and supports liver recovery after a steroid cycle.
If you want more information on Desmodium and other natural supplements for muscle recovery, you can contact us for free coaching today.