Home » Review & Test Buy on 2GetMass.com Website for the sale of steroids, HGH & Peptides

Review & Test Buy on 2GetMass.com
Website for the sale of steroids, HGH & Peptides

by WikiStero.com




Several of our readers have urged us to test the 2getmass.to site. Good thing, we love testing new sources! We visited the site anonymously to test the products and services offered. Excellent surprise, this site does not seem to be another player in the world of steroid sales. Indeed, it offers really aggressive prices and well loaded packs at very low prices. In our expert opinion, it’s starting very well! It remains to be seen if their service is really up to their offer.


Free treatment advice:

We therefore asked in a totally innocent way for treatment advice, with extensive questions (it was a question of health, weight gain, leanness, etc.). And our surprise was huge! We received a response within 24 hours. The tone is familiar, but nonetheless very professional. We love it. We feel that we have experts here who get straight to the point without fuss. It’s a change from telemarketers at other sites who just copy and paste information from the net. Here this passionate team knows what they are talking about. Will this appeal to everyone? It’s up to you to form your own opinion on the matter. But each treatment is personalized and it is a really valuable support for not doing anything. Stunned by the perspiring passion of the actors of this site, we decided to place an order.



A complete catalog with prestigious brands

2getmass offers a complete catalog of anabolic steroids both oral and in injectable form, the necessary protections during a cure, peptides, HGH, SARMS, Prohormones. In short, there is something for all tastes and all ages. Whether we are a man or a woman, whether we want to lose weight, build muscle mass or increase our endurance, 2getmass.to offers products suitable for everyone according to their goal. And these products come from the biggest brands of performance supplements. We were happy to find famous laboratories like Deus Medical (the must have in terms of peptides and HGH), Cooper, Hilma Biocare …
But our most pleasant surprise was to find that 2getmass.to was also the official reseller of the new PRIME PHARMA brand. So there, we really enjoyed it! This new brand works transparently with only professionals in the field. We saw when it launched its fight against fake products. Working with 2getmass proves the seriousness of the site. But are these still genuine products that 2getmass.to sends? There is only one way to find out: to order.


Order process

We were a little surprised when it came time to order. 2getmass.to offers products divided into several warehouses depending on where we live.

This distribution may seem frustrating at first glance, or even limiting, but most warehouses cover a wide range of destinations and each time offer the full range of products. According to the site, this organization allows for faster delivery to customers. To have.

For our part, we chose the PRIME PHARMA stock  in order to be able to order the famous PRIME PHARMA brand. You might as well test this rising brand at the same time! We don’t even know what to buy in the face of so much diversity. And the prices for PRIME PHARMA products are just amazing considering the fame of this lab.

  We are like children in a toy store. Sparkling eyes. We therefore order 1 box of Dianabol,  and a weight gain pack . Afterselecting our products in the basket, we order. There we create a user account and fill in our delivery and billing details:

We choose express delivery with insurance (only 5% of the order amount) to be covered against seizure, breakage or loss. rather nice, reassuring and inexpensive! 7 payment methods are then offered to us: Bitcoin, Bank Transfer, ZeBitcoin, MoneyGram, Western Union, Zelle, Ria.

We choose Western Union to see if the payment is again fast and reliable. Once the order is validated, the site sends us the contact details of the beneficiary to whom to send the payment for our order.


How did the delivery go?

For Wikistero.com the doubt was in order given the promises of the site. Low price, ultra-fast delivery time, guaranteed authenticity are all things put forward by 2getmass … The same promises already seen on other sites without being respected. The order takes place in a classic way. Payment is fast, and validation is done in 24 hours. Then, the package left 1 day after the final validation of the payment. We liked the cool and professional little message every step of the way of purchase and delivery. The package arrived within the announced period of less than 72 hours. Mind-blowing.



72 hours after order: Unpack the package!

A little cold sweat at the reception, however … We are used to testing a multitude of sites and we have fun with the means of hiding the content of our orders, and yet we were amazed! So to speak, thank you for the tracking and the SMS sent to tell us that the package was delivered, because otherwise we would have put the package in the trash because the camouflage is incredible, a big plus for those who appreciate discretion and minimization of risk. You will be surprised if you order from them.

Are the products on this site genuine?

For the authenticity of the products, we have tested both on their website and the official website of the manufacturer. RAS, than the original.


5% reduction on all your orders at 2getmass.to thanks to the coupon code WIKI5

    Several of our readers have urged us to test the 2getmass.to site. Good thing, we love testing new sources! We visited the site anonymously to test the products and services offered. Excellent surprise, this site does…





This site is clearly the "star" of the moment in the world of steroids. It must be said that it has advantages that are (no longer) found among some stakeholders in the industry: proximity to the customer, follow-up in detail and prices well below the market giants.

User Rating: 3.5 ( 11 votes)
Rating: 5


Soso June 2, 2021 - 7:49 am

Best anabolic product site 2GETMASS good quality product fast delivery thanks to them.

Rating: 5
Huber March 14, 2021 - 7:51 am

2getmass knows how to run a business. Communication is perfect, delivery is discreet and the product I used is excellent.

Rating: 5
Harvey February 1, 2021 - 8:02 am

My latest Var order just came through. Well packaged and discreet as ever, I had no qualms that you would deliver as anticipated. My last Anavar package arrived in 4 weeks, but you delivered this one even sooner, so thanks for the quick delivery. I’ve already spread the good news about your competence, so expect even greater order requests in the near future.

Rating: 4
Johnson September 2, 2020 - 7:41 am

2GETMASS best site for products fast delivery thanks to them.

Rating: 5
Bobby one August 8, 2020 - 8:10 am

2getmass.to very good site very responsive very pro bcps of choice and well accompanied responds within 24 hours several orders never disappointed the last arrived in 5 days
Site at the top
Having made several site that of 2getmass is the best
The most: reactive advice good prod good follow-up order deadline fast response no problem of delivery that happiness !!!!

Rating: 5
Lorenzo Notatori July 7, 2020 - 12:19 pm

Parcel arrived top No.1

Rating: 5
denis baldo April 13, 2020 - 10:27 am

Order well arrived in spite of all the problems with this clock as usual at the top discreet package in time always has the listening!!and answers to the questions by mails of the next day!!thank you for your seriousness!!!! I recommend you 2getmass they are at the top

Rating: 5
MANOLO GARCIA GIMENO March 11, 2020 - 12:13 pm

Particular experience with 2getmass – Order # 2GM39708
Hello everyone, I am writing to tell my experience for the moment with 2getmass.
On January 22, order # 2GM39708 was approved but customs rejected it.
I have been promised that it will be forwarded and for now, I have no news on February 28 about the forwarding.
I put 5 stars because I trust people and professionalism.
I will write everything that happens with the reshipment order, because I trust it will be useful for future clients.
As of March 11, a month ago I gave the new address for forwarding, but there is still no sign of a resubmitted order, I await an answer because I asked about the issue today.


Rating: 5
Ronald Letizia September 15, 2020 - 10:26 am

Hi Manolo, Something similar has happened to me, order #2GM44388 placed June 22,2020 for 235€ , SF Shipping said package was delivered somewhere in Hong Kong, agent said is was odd, informed 2getmass (Zachary) of the problem a few days ago , said he will find out the problem, this company has the best price, products are legit, they answer emails the next day, that’s why l placed another order today, September 15,2020, hope this one gets delivered, good luck to you,hope everything turns out well,Sincerely Ronald Letizia

Bau February 15, 2020 - 3:52 pm

Henri bau
Tres satisfait de ma dernière commande passé chez 2gtmass en deux semaines site très reatif a l’écoute et sérieux a 200% je recommande 2gtmass pour vos commande

Rating: 5
Mario November 10, 2019 - 11:12 am

Buongiorno, ho ordinato a 2getmass la prima volta 2 confezioni di Sustanon 250 Myogen da 5 fiale l’una e oltre a trovare il prezzo competitivo ho ricevuto tutto nell’arco di 20 giorni. La seconda volta sempre con 2getmass ho ordinato 3 scatole di Sustanon 250 Myogen che purtroppo sono state bloccate in dogana. Avendo sottoscritto l’assicurazione ho subito allertato (non appena ho avuto la certezza che il pacco era bloccato in dogana) Zandesk di 2getmass il quale, dopo i dovuti accertamenti, mi ha proposto in alternativa 2 ampolle di sustanon 250 Euro Pharmacie da 10ml l’una senza alcuna spesa. Confermando il cambiamento di articolo le due confezioni mi sono state recapitate in questi giorni senza nessun problema. Vorrei sottolineare la estrema educazione e cordialità con cui Zandesk di 2getmass ha sempre risposto alle mie mail di richieste di delucidazioni e la correttezza di quanto promessomi. Sito da consigliare

Rating: 5
Robin November 8, 2019 - 10:25 am

Parfait, très bonne communication, je n’ai eu aucun soucis pour faire modifier ma commande après changement d’avis, ils répondent toujours en moins de 24h. Expédition bien suivie et outil de suivi pratique, le colis est arrivé impeccable.
Les produits sont bien de bonne qualité, pas de doute.

Rating: 5
Fab November 5, 2019 - 12:19 pm

Nouvelle commande reçu
Commande N°2GM36916
Susta primo comme toujours excellent service je recommande

Rating: 5
Gwenyll October 7, 2019 - 7:14 pm

Very satisfied with my order at home. Nothing to say, they are the best! order received in one week and in respect of confidentiality

Rating: 5
Atreju September 30, 2019 - 9:13 am

Dopo tanto cercare mi sono imbattuto su questo sito che subito ha catturato la mia attenzione per l assistenza nella effettuare l ordine e poi il successivo pagamento. Fin qui tutto perfetto ricevo puntualmente il n di tracking che monitoro quotidianamente anche sapevo che ci voleva del tempo, merce arrivata in Italia ma ferma in dogana, dopo diversi giorni ferma li panico totale, ma subito il servizio clienti è intervenuto mi ha contattato dicendomi appunto che il pacco era lì fermo da troppo tempo e che avrebbero provveduto ad effettuare una nuova spedizione semplicemente comunicando un nuovo indirizzo…. Anche lì panico a chi faccio arrivare il mio pacco? Bene anche li il servizio clienti mi è venuto subito in aiuto dandomi dei suggerimenti veramente ottimali, devo ammettere che ogni volta che ho scritto mi hanno risposto al massimo nel giro di 24h veramente soddisfatto massima cordialità e professionalità sempre pronti ad indicarmi le soluzioni migliori. Adesso alla fine di tutto posso dire che sono realmente soddisfatto del prodotto e soprattutto del servizio clienti, di sicuro in futuro mi rivolgerò a loro per i miei acquisti

Anonyme September 24, 2019 - 12:43 pm

La qualité des produits est top et diversifiée. Agréablement surpris par les délais de livraison et surtout par la performance du service après-vente. En effet, ils ont toujours su répondre dans les plus brefs délais et professionnellement, ce qui les différencie de la concurrence.
Seul bémol, les frais de livraison qui sont quand même très élevés.

Rating: 5
Minhild September 18, 2019 - 2:45 am

this source is safe, I fully trust even if sometimes there are hazards. It’s understandable, I’ve always been delivered.

ghuao26 September 6, 2019 - 12:10 pm

Muy buena página, buen trato y productos de buena calidad.

Rating: 5
Jéjé September 6, 2019 - 8:50 am

Super site de stero HGH peptides de qualité ! J’ai commandé du Diana 50mg Dragon Pharma et reçu en 10JOURS ! Good work 2getmass !

Rating: 5
iltodd September 3, 2019 - 6:28 am

Order made on “2GETMASS” site.
Ottimo sito, enorme selezione di prodotti e possibilità di scegliere da quale magazzino, sito in giro per il mondo, ricevere i prodotti; e conseguentemente scegliere quanto rapidamente ricevere la merce.
Inoltre ottimo servizio clienti, pronto e rapidissimo a sciogliere ogni dubbio e risolvere qualsiasi problematica nel mi or tempo possibile. Super raccomandato.

Rating: 5
Peter August 22, 2019 - 4:49 pm

2get mass: First class service. Fast and simple. All original products.

Rating: 5
Emma77 August 6, 2019 - 5:07 am

I am satisfied with the service. Being a woman and suspicious about this kind of product and service, I can tell you that I am completely reassured thanks to the accompaniment of their customer service. I recommend to all women without hesitation !!!

Rating: 5
Luis Alvarez July 24, 2019 - 11:29 am

Ordene varios productos en 2getmass con un poco de dudas si comprar o no en esta pagina, pero luego de leer información en otras paginas que recomendaban 2getmass me decidí a realizar el pedido, pague con Bitcoin con lo cual obtuve un descuento, me pareció muy bueno el servicio y el producto me llego a mi parecer muy rápido, ya que yo vivo en sur américa y todo suele tardar mas de 30 días en llegar, aquí me llegaron los productos en un paquete discreto en al rededor de 22 días, recomiendo mucho esta pagina para cualquier producto que ofrezcan ellos.

Rating: 5
Paolane July 17, 2019 - 10:00 pm

The products I paid were out of stock but fortunately they have several cards under the sleeve. they contacted me immediately to bring me a solution. I really appreciate their seriousness.

Rating: 4
Joann June 21, 2019 - 12:43 am

2GETMASS is a Great site. Large choice of products, very reasonable prices given the quality of the products. There is a wide choice of brands.
Customer service is very responsive and efficient.
You can order on 2GETMASS with your eyes closed.

Rating: 5
Horacio June 15, 2019 - 12:30 am

Hello everyone. Another order arrived in due time. 2getmass is only happiness. Thank you to all the team of this site who makes us take quality products at reasonable prices. soon a new order.

Rating: 5
Orlandoo May 23, 2019 - 5:30 pm

Bravo 2 getmass !!!! Just a little worry about the follow-up that I received when I received the parcel but it goes crazy. Speed this time bravo. Next order soon.

Rating: 5
Richard May 20, 2019 - 9:34 pm

Équipe 2GETMASS disponible et réactive jusqu’à la réception et même après. Produit conforme à la commande et bien protégé pour la livraison. Site et produit fiable. Je vous le recommande sans hésitations. Merci

Rating: 5
Shine_pit April 9, 2019 - 7:57 am

Always a real pleasure to order on this site. These guys are serious. Authentic products at really competitive prices. I also love their recommendations about the products to take.

Rating: 4
jamy76 March 20, 2019 - 10:33 am

Here is my experience 2Getmass, having already order on another site I wanted to test 2Getmass for price and speed. After several researches I had a hard time making an opinion because negative comments make me think. However I understood that some authors of negative comments were panicked not seeing their order in the mailbox after 72 hours, or without a quick response to their emails. Understand that you do not buy on Amazon and the products are not always legal … ..

For my part, I received my order after 1 month and 2 weeks, I admit to having doubted the seriousness of the site and I remained in contact with Zachary mail. It is true that one should not be in a hurry to have an answer in general 3-4 days, it must be overflowing with message. The exchanges were cordial, respectful and I showed patience. Do not worry about your mail and your order will arrive.

This is what I understood when my order has finally arrived because it must be said that it is very discreet.

The products were the ones I ordered.

In conclusion, I would recommend on 2Getmass hoping to be as satisfied.

I will comment on each order.

Rating: 5
Apollo March 7, 2019 - 11:59 pm

I just received my order 2GetMass. I only placed a small order to check if they are legitimate and I’m happy to report they are. My package took 8 days (from 2/26 to 3/6) order to receive it. I’m planning on making my future purchases from 2GetMass.

Rating: 5
Cruzcruz March 4, 2019 - 12:03 am

Effective product Competent customer service! Order received on time. In short, I am satisfied and I encourage you to order.

Rating: 4
farhad February 27, 2019 - 1:30 pm

Very satisfied… the prices are great… and my order came exactly as I expected in just few days and the package is the best part because you can’t tell what is inside :-) …
That was my second order and I can just say thank you… I recommend it to everyone

Rating: 5
Farhad February 27, 2019 - 1:28 pm

Very satisfied… the prices are great… and my order(2GM28699) came exactly as I expected in just few days and the package is the best part because you can’t tell what is inside :-) …
That was my second order and … I recommend it to everyone…. very polite client service too

Rating: 5
Farhad February 27, 2019 - 1:19 pm

Very satisfied with my order (2gm28699) that was my second order and everything was perfect like my last order… I paid with moneygram that was easy and fast… the package was in great shape as I got it… and the prices are cheaper that others… you will get the tracking number too.
I just can recommend it to others

Rating: 5
Bodydreamer February 13, 2019 - 3:28 am

I’m glad I had my first experience at home I think this site is totally different from others. Then the customer support is really fast in case of difficulty. I think I will make my next orders on this site. I recommend it too.

Rating: 5
Blackstone January 7, 2019 - 11:27 am

I started using the products a few days ago now I’m happy with the evolution The coach also answered all my questions.

Rating: 5
John December 28, 2018 - 6:39 am

Commande passée , reçu en 1 semaine,super site,fiable, j’attends de voir les résultats,le suivi est parfait,et merci à Zachary pour les réponses à mes questions,au top.
Je recommande ce 2GETMASS!!!!

Rating: 5
Marco Migliorini December 25, 2018 - 11:30 pm

very good

Rating: 4
Pariss December 15, 2018 - 4:27 pm

I confirm, their reputation is not overrated! very good and reliable site!

Rating: 5
PHIL December 12, 2018 - 11:32 am

commandes reçu bien enveloppées et conformes je recommande grandement ce site…

Rating: 5
Julien Le Rouzic December 3, 2018 - 11:47 pm

J’ai effectué toute mes commandes sur 2getmass, je n’ai jamais eu aucun problème avec eux, Si problème de livraison le service client répond très vite pour trouver une solution. Toujours était satisfait des produits livrés en très bon état.

Rating: 5
Celynn5 November 13, 2018 - 4:36 pm

a little worry about my payment but other than that, it’s Top! My package is already in transit. I am excited to begin!

Rating: 4
redclovis November 12, 2018 - 2:52 pm

In search of a new reliable source I made a 1st order with 2GetMass recently and was really impressed.
First their client service is the best I have known so far. Polite and efficient : I received a tailored cure and they answered all my questions.
The payment confirmation and shipment of the products took around 2 weeks : went pretty quick : nothing bad to say really.
Products received safely and the quality is there : I recommend them and will definitively order again.

Rating: 5
Sephora October 13, 2018 - 7:25 am

fan of the products of this site. It’s been a year since I’m at home, I’m addicted !! Continue like that guys!

Rating: 5
Jamel July 2, 2018 - 4:48 pm

This is one of the most prominent steroid seller that I have worked with. Outstanding and top notch service with a variety of brands to choose from.

Rating: 5
corrado November 8, 2018 - 7:43 am

Pienamente soddisfatto prodotti al top 2getmass un sito con un servizio eccezionale

Rating: 5
Harrison July 2, 2018 - 11:05 am

I was looking for a store where I could get legit products and that is consistent. From these great reviews, I think I can really benefit a lot from ordering from this store. I contacted them this morning and they have already replied. Made my first order and I can’t wait to receive it.

Rating: 5
West June 12, 2018 - 8:31 pm

I recently ordered some gears from 2getmass. The package was professionally packed and everything arrived intact. I was very impressed with the quality of their gear because I had great results with the product.

Rating: 5
Timmy May 15, 2018 - 4:02 pm

This store is the best when it comes to buying goods in bulk. They have huge amounts of stock from very reputable brands and their discounts are amazing.

Rating: 5
Anthony May 3, 2018 - 4:53 pm

It is very hard to find a reliable supplier but these guys offer high quality gear. I have been using these guys for 6 months now and they are legit. I have never had any problems with any gear they have sent me, they all work great and the gains are incredible.

Rating: 5
Dizzy-boy June 27, 2017 - 1:06 pm

2Getmass is Great ! Very professionnal, always helpfull. My parcell arrives after only 2 weeks. All stuff came in good condition.
Very happy with the polished methodology of 2getmass and will order again from them.

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