SARM stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Initially, they were developed to treat specific diseases. Professional bodybuilders and sports players use them for bulking, cutting, and strength gain purposes. SARMs have excellent ability to build lean muscle mass, reduce body fats and improve overall strength.
Many SARMs supplements are available in the market; all of them are used for different purposes. In this article, we will discuss the top five SARMs for bodybuilding. They are the best alternative to anabolic-androgenic steroids. It is the safest compound compared to anabolic steroids because it won’t cause any severe side effects.
I. What Are SARMs?
Selective Androgen Receptors Modulator (SARM) safest compound compared to anabolic steroids widely used among bodybuilders and athletes. It works by binding androgen receptors just like anabolic androgenic steroids do. They are widely used to increase muscle mass, reduce body fats, and higher strength.
SARMs are the safest compound, and they won’t cause any estrogenic side effects such as water retention, gynecomastia, fluid retention, and bloating. Always buy SARMs injections from the top resources. When users consume SARMs, it will affect your reproductive system and allow you to grow muscle mass.
It also increases your strength without affecting the production of endogenous testosterone. According to a study was designed to treat muscle wasting diseases. SARMS have muscle-preserving capabilities without any muscle mass loss during the cutting cycle.
II. Top Five SARMs For Bulking And Cutting Cycle
Here are the top five SARMs supplements that you can use for bulking (To get bigger muscle mass) and cutting (To reduce body fat).
#1: Ostarine (MK-2866)
Ostarine is one of the most popular SARM for cutting. It also adds lean muscle mass during the cutting cycle. Ostarine has an excellent ability to build muscle mass in cancer patients. It is an ideal choice for bulking or cutting. Ostarine provides impressive benefits regardless of calorie intake or diet. It offers significant strength and energy to do a more intense workout.
Ostarine also provides the extra push to users to add more reps at the end of their training workout regimen. Ostarine may cause mild side effects such as acne, mild hair loss. Osteria is used to increase muscle mass quickly. The average gains one to two every eight-week cycle.
→ How Does It Work?
Ostarine or MK-2866 works by imitating the action of the testosterone hormone. It was originally created to treat lower testosterone levels in males. Nowadays, building muscle mass quickly in the gym is highly popular. Both men and women can use Ostarine to prevent muscle mass wasting while enhancing fat loss and increased energy and stamina. It also improves users’ bone density and prevents them from serious injuries.
→ Benefits Of Using Ostarine
- Increase muscle mass
- Reduce body fat
- Maintain user’s cardiac health
- Preserve lean muscle mass
- Increase good cholesterol levels
- Increase insulin resistance
#2: Testolone (RAD-140)
Testolone or RAD is one of the best SARMs for bulking. Initially, it was created to fight against breast cancer and muscle wasting syndrome. Professional bodybuilders use them to build muscle mass quickly. And it is one of the highly favored drugs among them.
Testolone occurs liver damage, so it is essential to take recommended dosage and cycle duration to get effective results. It provides users with noticeable strength and energy levels. Testolone works well when you combine it with other SARMs like Cardarine. Users can take its lower doses twice a day and perform an eight-week cycle.
→ How Does It Work?
RAD-140 or Testolone provides a remarkable resemblance to the androgen receptor cells that are the organism itself, and it is less harmful to the organism and the user’s health. This SARM helps users to rebuild lean muscle mass, and it doesn’t appear to affect body fat mass.
Testolone promotes faster fat-burning supplements. Testolone has an excellent ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer or prostate cancer and improve users’ bone density by preventing them from fractures or other serious injuries. Testolone highly suppresses natural production of testosterone so it is necessary to perform the PCT after the testolone cycle.
→ Benefits Of Using Testolone
- Very potent
- Develop lean muscle mass
- Strong anabolic effects
- Improve vascularity
- Higher-strength gain
- Enhance endurance level
#3: Cardarine (GW-50156)
Cardarine is actually not a SARM, but it is a performance booster that is widely used among bodybuilders. Cardarine is the best SARM for cutting. It provides significant fat loss. Users have reported it can reduce 7-8 kg or 10-15 pounds dropped in one cycle. It also provides an excellent endurance level to users.
Besides accelerating fat loss, SARM also promotes the growth of lean muscle mass in the users. It will provide a healthier blood lipid profile and also improve the user’s insulin-like growth factor. It also offers faster recovery from muscle injuries.
→ How Does It Work?
Cardarine or GW-501556 has different mechanisms in results providing. It is a PPAR, not a SARM. This PPAR promotes significant muscle mass growth and increases overall physical strength, energy, and endurance levels.
It also reduces excess body fat quickly and helps users to manage their body weight. It is one of the most effective supplements that boost users’ athletic performance and provide huge cutting benefits.
→ Benefits Of Using Cardarine
- No testosterone suppression
- The PCT is not needed
- Useful to add lean muscle mass
- Reduce body fat
- Improve overall energy, strength, and stamina
- Increase protein synthesis
- Improve overall physical performance
#4: Ibutamoren (MK-677)
Ibutamoren is also known as MK-677, and it is one of the most popular and highly favoured SARM supplements. When you consume it properly, it will promote the secretion of human growth hormone and also grow the IGF-1 factor. It enhances the user’s overall athletic performance and also provides various physical benefits.
→ How Does It Work?
MK-677 works similarly to the hormone ghrelin. It imitates the action of the hormone ghrelin and affects the brain’s binding to one of the ghrelin receptors. It also stimulates the production of growth hormone (HGH). MK-677 has a strong effect on the user’s appetite by blocking GHSR receptors to control the user’s mood, memory capacity, their blood pressure, and cognitive function.
→ Benefits Of Using Ibutamoren
- Add lean muscle mass
- Improve user’s bone density
- Faster recovery rate
- Best for bulking cycle
- Strong effects on appetite
- Increase strength and stamina
- Improve overall performance
#5: Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Ligandrol or LGD-4033 is the top SARM that is ideal for improving the user’s bone density. This SARM is ideal for women because it improves their bone density during the menopause phase. It also enhances the user’s overall athletic performance. When you consume it properly, it promotes muscle mass growth and reduces body fat. It is an effective medicine to treat osteoporosis patients.
→ How Does It Work?
Ligandrol or LGD-4033 is one of the best SARM booster supplements that is widely used to build muscle mass, improve bone density, overall energy, and strength. It provides significant strength and energy to the users. It is also women-friendly SARMs. However, it is also equally effective for male users. Ligandrol doesn’t affect other tissues, and it clearly targets the user’s bone and muscles with minimum side effects.
LGD-4033 provides excellent benefits to users in terms of bodybuilding. It improves users’ physical strength and allows them to do a more intense workout. It is also effective SARM to enhance users’ sexual mood and function.
→ Benefits Of Using Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
- Increase muscle mass
- Work slightly different than other SARMs.
- Great for cutting
- Greater fat burning
- Improve bone density and strength
- Longer life
- It can be suppressive
II. SARMs Stack Cycle Example To Get More Effective Results
SARMs stack Cycle Example:
Week | Ostarine | Cardarine | SR | Andarine |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 2 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 3 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 4 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 5 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 6 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 7 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 8 | 20 mg per day | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
SARMs stack Cycle Example:
Week | Ostarine | Cardarine |
Week 1 | 10 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 2 | 20 mg per day | 20 mg per day |
Week 3 | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day |
Week 4 | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day |
Week 5 | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day |
Week 6 | 30 mg per day | 20 mg per day |
SARMs stack Cycle Example:
Week | Ligandrol LGD – 4033 | Cardarine GW – 501516 |
Week 1 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 2 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 3 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 4 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 5 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 6 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 7 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 8 | 5 mg per day | 10 mg per day |

Result of a Sarm’s treatment
Above, we have mentioned all the top five SARMs for bulking and cutting. Users can select SARMs supplements depending on their individual goals. SARMs are the most effective and safest compound compared to anabolic steroids because they won’t cause any severe side effects. When you follow the recommended dosage and cycle duration, you will get numerous benefits in terms of bodybuilding.
Some SARMs supplements highly suppress the production of testosterone levels, so it is necessary to perform the post-cycle therapy after the SARMs cycle. The ideal SARMs cycle for 6 to 8 weeks. A high dose and long-term use may cause various adverse side effects, so always avoid it.
Make sure that you’re using the correct supplements with the right stack to help you achieve your target goal quickly. You can also contact our coaching experts anytime to get free SARMs cycle advice.