Home » GHRP 6


by WikiStero.com

GHRP-6 is an injectable peptide used to form GHRP growth hormone. GHRP-6 is mainly used to provide high levels of GH that lead to higher IGF-1 levels. This causes fat loss more than muscle mass gains.

Using GHRP-6 is particularly recommended for for increasing appetite, though most users may consider this a negative side effect. This is due to ghrelin, a stomach mucus and peptide. Once released, it increases hunger. It’s also proved to be effective for reducing inflammation, injuries and particularly tendonitis.

GHRP-6 improves muscle mass when combined with other peptides and/or anabolic steroids. It also causes fat loss which can be good or bad depending on the individual, and is known for improving your skin’s appearance. Finally, it’s excellent for healing injuries.

Another particularly favorable benefit is that GHRP can treat muscular atrophy and weight loss due to a body weakened by malnutrition or severe fasting.



Positive Results

Positive Results of the GHRP-6 Peptide

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Diminished body fat
  • Contributes to bone tissue growth
  • IGF-1 secretion, helping burn body fat and increase muscle
  • Anti-aging peptide
  • Improved immune response
  • Stronger joints
  • Stronger connective tissue
  • Stronger body mass
  • Rapid effect on ghrelin
  • Improves body fat loss


Negative Side Effects of GHRP-6

  • Injections are made on an empty stomach
  • Wait 2 hours after consuming calories
  • One to three injections per day
  • Increased hunger
  • Water retention
  • Great fatigue


GHRP-6 User Advice

GHRP-6 injections should be applied subcutaneously, i.e. through the skin in fatty areas like the love handles, thighs or buttocks. It’s also possible to make injections in muscular areas like the biceps or shoulders. However all injections should be taken when your blood sugar is at its lowest (for example, in the morning on an empty stomach or just after a workout).



GHRP 6 Dosage

It’s advised to take 600-900mcg per day for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months.

The peptide should be administered at least twice a day and ideally three times to obtain optimum results. Take it about thirty to sixty minutes before a meal or when your blood sugar levels are at their lowest.

GHRP-6 is less effective in the presence of high blood sugar levels or high somatostatin. This implies a high level of IGF-1. Therefore for the best results, take GHRP-6 when your blood sugar is relatively low, for example 30-60 minutes before a meal, two to three times a day.

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