Home » Best Bulking Steroid Stack Cycle in 2025 : Must Or Maybe ?

Best Bulking Steroid Stack Cycle in 2025 : Must Or Maybe ?

by WikiStero.com

Anabolic steroids are one of the best supplements that help you to increase muscle mass, overall strength and performance. Based on a research study, 3 million people have used anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance. Performance-enhancing drugs are helpful for bulking up, cutting and strength gains.

If you have decided to use anabolic steroids, you need to follow the smartest route to administer them. The correct use of anabolic steroids helps users to minimise the side effects with maximum results.

Most novice users step up their steroid cycles for bulking or cutting without any idea about their dosage, and finally, they end up with different adverse side effects. This article will describe the best bulking steroid stack cycle that you can use to get effective results.


I. What Are Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids are artificial substances that contain different hormones that naturally occur in the body; testosterone. Testosterone hormone is the primary hormone that is responsible for various growth and development in the body. Anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS are widely helpful for bulking, cutting, and gaining strength.

Anabolic steroids indeed carry various side effects with them, but if you consume them properly with the right stack, you will get numerous benefits in terms of bodybuilding. You can find high-quality anabolic steroids for sale from the internet.


II. How Are Steroids Taken?

They are available in two different forms:

  • Oral forms that include pills, capsules and tablets
  • Injectable forms that include injections

Users can consume it orally by mouth or inject it directly into muscles. Many people believe that all oral anabolic steroids are liver toxic, but that’s not true many injectable anabolic steroids are also liver toxic. When you’re using liver toxicity, you have to take liver protection like Samarin or SamaGen during the steroid cycle. Generally, People consume anabolic steroids in different ways:

  • Cycling:  It is the cycle duration that users perform to get more effective results. However, it depends on steroids’ active half-life whether you need to perform a long or short cycle.
  • Pyramid: Users can start with lower doses and increase the doses as per requirements like a pyramid.
  • Stacking: This is the most effective method; users combine two or more anabolic steroids together to get more effective results.

III. Best Bulking Steroids Stack Cycle Information

People can use the below anabolic steroids for bulking up:

All of the above anabolic steroids are the most effective to gain bigger muscle mass quickly. You need to stack them smartly with the right stacking. Here we will explain the best recommended bulking steroids stack cycle that you can perform:


Dianabol – Deca Durabolin – Testosterone Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Dianabol Deca Durabolin Testosterone
Week 1 50 mg per day 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 2 50 mg per day 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 3 50 mg per day 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 4 50 mg per day 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 5 50 mg per day 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 6 50 mg per day 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 7 N/A 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 8 N/A 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 9 N/A 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 10 N/A 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 11 N/A 600 mg per week 700 mg per week
Week 12 N/A 600 mg per week 700 mg per week


Anadrol – Trenbolone – Testosterone Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Anadrol Trenbolone Testosterone
Week 1 50 mg per day 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 2 50 mg per day 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 3 50 mg per day 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 4 50 mg per day 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 5 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 6 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 7 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 8 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 9 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 10 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 11 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week
Week 12 N/A 400 mg per week 600 mg per week

Note: HCG is needed after performing the above cycle.


Anadrol – Deca Durabolin Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Anadrol Deca Durabolin
Week 1 50 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 2 50 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 3 50 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 4 50 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 5 50 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 6 50 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 7 N/A 400 mg per week
Week 8 N/A 400 mg per week


Dianabol – Deca Durabolin Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Dianabol Deca Durabolin
Week 1 10 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 2 10 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 3 10 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 4 20 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 5 20 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 6 20 mg per day 400 mg per week
Week 7 N/A 400 mg per week
Week 8 N/A 400 mg per week


An example of a mass gain pack (INJECT) SUSTANON + DECA + DIANABOL Deus Medical

Dianabol – Anadrol Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Dianabol Anadrol
Week 1 30 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 2 30 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 3 30 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 4 30 mg per day 75 mg per day
Week 5 30 mg per day 75 mg per day
Week 6 30 mg per day 75 mg per day

Note: Dianabol and Anadrol are potent anabolic steroids, so this stack cycle is not recommended for novice or beginner users.


Testosterone – Anadrol Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Testosterone Anadrol
Week 1 200 mg per week 50 mg per day
Week 2 200 mg per week 50 mg per day
Week 3 300 mg per week 50 mg per day
Week 4 300 mg per week 75 mg per day
Week 5 300 mg per week 75 mg per day
Week 6 300 mg per week 75 mg per day


Testosterone – Deca Durabolin Bulking Stack Cycle:

Week  Testosterone Deca Durbolin
Week 1 200 mg per week 200 mg per week
Week 2 200 mg per week 200 mg per week
Week 3 300 mg per week 200 mg per week
Week 4 300 mg per week 300 mg per week
Week 5 300 mg per week 300 mg per week
Week 6 300 mg per week 300 mg per week
Week 7 300 mg per week 300 mg per week
Week 8 200 mg per week 200 mg per week


Post Cycle Therapy

Post-cycle therapy is a protocol that is usually recommended after every steroid cycle. Anabolic steroids suppress or shut down the natural testosterone production in the body, and low testosterone levels cause various adverse side effects. So, it is necessary to perform the PCT cycle after every bulking steroid cycle.

A good PCT cycle helps users to restore or boost the natural testosterone production in the body. It also improves users’ overall health and maintains their hard-earned gains. The main benefit of running PCT after a steroid cycle is that it combats various adverse side effects of anabolic steroids. Here is the most common PCT cycle:

Week  Nolvadex Clomid
Week 1 25 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 2 25 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 3 25 mg per day 50 mg per day


Result of a steroid use for a mass gain



Smart usage and the correct stack of anabolic steroids always give impressive results in terms of bodybuilding with few or no adverse side effects. The wrong doses and random use of anabolic steroids are not good for health. So, it is advisable for users to take free advice  from any coaching experts or experienced users.

Note that only 21+ people can take anabolic steroids. If you have any severe medical history or any other medical condition going on, then you should avoid the use of anabolic steroids. Before taking anabolic steroids, consult your doctor and ensure that your body is well enough to tolerate them.

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